Programs and Events

Brain Awareness Video Contest

  • Reviewed15 Mar 2024
  • Source BrainFacts/SfN

The Brain Awareness Video Contest (BAVC) is an annual competition held by Society for Neuroscience (SfN) to showcase videos of entertaining and educational neuroscience concepts and activities.

Since the launch of the contest in 2011, has featured over 100 of these imaginative, brainy videos from contestants around the world.


1. First place: $4,000 and complimentary registration to Neuroscience 2024 in Chicago, IL.
2. Second place: $500
3. Third place: $250
4. People’s Choice: $500

Read the 2024 rules and regulations. 

Things to consider when crafting a great BAVC video:

  1. Be professional.
    • Pay attention to grammar, lighting, and audio quality.
    • Obtain permissions for material you do not own.
  2. Be concise. 
    • Keep it short and sweet. 50% of viewers tune out after three minutes.
  3. Know your audience.
  4. Be entertaining. 
    • Use humor, a snappy beat, and your creativity. 
    • Utilize your resources: White board drawings do well, and so do videos shot in the lab or other interesting settings.
  5. Be unique. 
    • Create a video that has not been done before.
      • Check out previous videos from the Brain Awareness Video Contest.
      • Think outside the box: Videos about surprising and quirky facts are popular.
    • Come up with a catchy title.
        • Accurately convey the video's content.
        • Lists and questions tend to do well.

    Check out’s tips on how to create a winning BAVC video.

    Brain Awareness Video Contest Tips by

    Access resources for help obtaining royalty-free music and images for your video

    Watch the 2023 Brain Awareness Video Contest Winners:

    • First PlaceHow Networks in the Brain Give Us Artificial Intelligence by Manveer Chauhan and Ria Agarwal.

    • Second PlaceWhat Are Brain-Computer Interfaces? Linking Mind and Machine by Harrison Canning.

    • Third Place: Perception, Your Personal Matrix by Aalima Shabeeb.

    • People's ChoiceHow Networks in the Brain Give Us Artificial Intelligence by Manveer Chauhan and Ria Agarwal.


    Follow on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram + use the hashtag #BAVC24 on social media.



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