A Worldwide Celebration with Scientists, Families, Schools, and Communities.
Participate in Brain Awareness Week every March and other outreach events throughout the year.
Brain Awareness Campaign
The Brain Awareness Campaign is a celebration of the ongoing work to advance brain science and promote its funding. Launched by The Dana Foundation, the Brain Awareness Campaign annually hosts Brain Awareness Week, which serves as a launching point for year-round Brain Awareness activities. Participate by engaging in open houses at neuroscience labs, informative exhibits, lectures and displays at libraries, community centers, classroom workshops, and more.
How to Get Involved
With examples from previous successful projects and a list of other ideas and resources, these tools provide everything you need for organizing and hosting Brain Awareness Week events.
Webinar: The ABC’s Of BAW
For first timers and dedicated supporters alike, this hour long webinar supplies ideas for new activities, as well as best practices for running successful events during Brain Awareness Week.
Brain Facts Book
This primer on the brain and the nervous system is a valuable resource for secondary school teachers and students.
Educator Resources from BrainFacts.org
Sample lesson plans and hands-on activities available for educators.
Senses and Sensibility: A Webinar
An hour long presentation by UCSD neuroscientists on sense perceptions and the brain.
Explore videos, Q&As, and articles with advice and case studies to help you prepare for your outreach.
Visit The Dana Foundation website to find additional resources and learn more about their work.
- Become a Brain Awareness Week organizer and plan your outreach.
- Apply for funding for your activity.
- Find free resources you can use in your outreach.