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History of SfN
Current Issue: 1969-2019
Chapter I: Neuroscience Before Neuroscience, 1945-1969
Chapter II: Establishing the Society for Neuroscience, 1968-1970
Chapter III: Fostering a New Interdisciplinary Approach to Problems of Brain and Behavior, 1970-1974
Chapter IV: Disciplinary Consolidation, the Mid-1970s to the Early 1980s
Chapter V: Growth and Advocacy, Mid-1980s to Mid-1990s
Chapter VI: The Challenges of Reassessment and Change, 1998-2006
Chapter VII: The Annual Meeting, The "Hub" of SfN, Enters the Digital Age
Chapter VIII: Many Audiences, Publications and Education
Chapter IX: Government and Public Advocacy: Not “Just a One-Day Affair”
Chapter X: Meeting the Needs of an Increasingly Diverse Scientific Community
Chapter XI: Nurturing a Global Society
Chapter XII: SfN at 50 Years: Focus on the Future
Epilogue: Anniversaries Encourage Reflection
Appendix I: List of SfN Presidents, 1969–2021
Appendix II: List of Members Interviewed For This Project
Science Photo Captions
The Articles of Incorporation for the Society for Neuroscience
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Ralph Gerard and Vernon Mountcastle seated at a table at the first annual meeting in Washington, DC
Ralph Gerard standing at a podium at the first annual meeting in Washington, DC
Julius Axelrod seated at a table at the first annual meeting in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Dominick Purpura standing at a table at the first annual meeting in Washington, DC
Vernon Mountcastle at the first annual meeting in Washington, DC
Registration Card from the first annual meeting in Washington, DC
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Vernon Mountcastle's presidential address at the first annual meeting in Washington, DC
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Preliminary Program for the first annual meeting held in Washington, DC
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Informational flyer for the 1972 annual meeting in 1972 in Houston, TX
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Preliminary Program for the 1972 annual meeting held in Houston, TX
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Press release for the 1972 annual meeting in Houston, TX
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Preliminary Program for the 1973 annual meeting held in San Diego, CA
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Announcement of a public lecture at the 1975 annual meeting in New York, NY
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Invitation to the media to cover the 1975 annual meeting in New York, NY
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Short booklet about the responsibility of scientists to communicate with the public and media
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1987 SfN brochure defining what neuroscience is
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Announcement of the Animals in Research panel at the 1988 Annual Meeting in Toronto, ON, Canada
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Entrance to the 1989 annual meeting in Phoeniz, Arizona
Exhibit floor at the 1989 annual meeting in Phoeniz, Arizona
Patricia Goldman-Rakic and David Hubel shaking hands at the 1989 annual meeting in Phoeniz, AZ
Meeting participants look at the poster session board at the 1989 Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ
Exhibit floor at the 1990 annual meeting in St. Louis, Missouri
Entrance to the 1990 annual meeting in St. Louis, Missouri
Robert Wurtz at the 1991 annual meeting in New Orleans, LA
Albert Aguayo standing at a podium during the 1992 annual meeting in Anaheim, CA
Joseph Coyle standing at a podium during the 1992 annual meeting in Anaheim, CA
Brenda Milner standing at a podium during the 1992 annual meeting in Anaheim, CA
Talking points for SfN's Hill Day in 1992
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Walle Nauta at the 1993 annual meeting in Washington, DC
At least 22,122 neuroscientists attended the 1993 annual meeting in Washington, DC
Tortsen Wiesel at the 1993 annual meeting in Washington, DC
Carla Shatz and Larry Squire at the 1993 annual meeting in Washington, DC
Ira Black at the at the 1993 annual meeting in Washington, DC
Poster and exhibit hall floor at the 1993 annual meeting in Washington, DC
Talking points for SfN's Hill Day in 1994
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Exhibit floor at the 1994 annual meeting in Miami Beach, Florida
Robert Wurtz at the 1991 annual meeting in New Orleans, LA
Albert Aguayo standing at a podium during the 1992 annual meeting in Anaheim, CA
Joseph Coyle standing at a podium during the 1992 annual meeting in Anaheim, CA
Brenda Milner standing at a podium during the 1992 annual meeting in Anaheim, CA
Talking points for SfN's Hill Day in 1992
Talking points for SfN's Hill Day in 1994
1987 SfN brochure defining what neuroscience is
Announcement of the Animals in Research panel at the 1988 Annual Meeting in Toronto, ON, Canada
Entrance to the 1989 annual meeting in Phoeniz, Arizona
Exhibit floor at the 1989 annual meeting in Phoeniz, Arizona
Patricia Goldman-Rakic and David Hubel shaking hands at the 1989 annual meeting in Phoeniz, AZ
Meeting participants look at the poster session board at the 1989 Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ
Ralph Gerard and Vernon Mountcastle seated at a table at the first annual meeting in Washington, DC
Ralph Gerard standing at a podium at the first annual meeting in Washington, DC
Julius Axelrod seated at a table at the first annual meeting in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Attendees and poster presenters at the first annual meeting poster floor in Washington, DC
Dominick Purpura standing at a table at the first annual meeting in Washington, DC
Vernon Mountcastle at the first annual meeting in Washington, DC
Registration Card from the first annual meeting in Washington, DC
Vernon Mountcastle's presidential address at the first annual meeting in Washington, DC
Preliminary Program for the first annual meeting held in Washington, DC
Informational flyer for the 1972 annual meeting in 1972 in Houston, TX
Preliminary Program for the 1972 annual meeting held in Houston, TX
Press release for the 1972 annual meeting in Houston, TX
Preliminary Program for the 1973 annual meeting held in San Diego, CA
Announcement of a public lecture at the 1975 annual meeting in New York, NY
Invitation to the media to cover the 1975 annual meeting in New York, NY
Short booklet about the responsibility of scientists to communicate with the public and media
The Articles of Incorporation for the Society for Neuroscience
Exhibit floor at the 1990 annual meeting in St. Louis, Missouri
Entrance to the 1990 annual meeting in St. Louis, Missouri
Walle Nauta at the 1993 annual meeting in Washington, DC
At least 22,122 neuroscientists attended the 1993 annual meeting in Washington, DC
Tortsen Wiesel at the 1993 annual meeting in Washington, DC
Carla Shatz and Larry Squire at the 1993 annual meeting in Washington, DC
Ira Black at the at the 1993 annual meeting in Washington, DC
Poster and exhibit hall floor at the 1993 annual meeting in Washington, DC
Exhibit floor at the 1994 annual meeting in Miami Beach, Florida
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