Volunteer committees provide expertise, project insight, and help represent our members.
Learn more by exploring the Society's various committees.
Financial Management Committees
Audit Committee
Participates in the overall system of internal controls, financial and legal compliance, and external audit performance.
Finance Committee
Helps manage fiscal responsibilities including budgeting, best practices, and recommendations.
Membership Engagement Committees
Global Membership Committee
Provides guidance on the development and implementation of various programs and activities.
Trainee Advisory Committee
Provides guidance on issues that are central to younger members and the concerns of trainees.
Professional Development and Training Committees
Neuroscience Training Committee
Adds value to individual and institutional members through programs, activities, as well as academic and training initiatives.
Professional Development Committee
Enhances the development at all stages of a scientist’s career through education, training, networking, and other activities.
Public Outreach Committees
Committee on Animals in Research
Protects and advances the responsible use of animals in biomedical research.
Government and Public Affairs Committee
Guides and evaluates our advocacy activities and strategies for promoting research.
Public Education and Communication Committee
Guides programs and initiatives that educate the public and educators alike on neuroscience.
Other Committees
Committee on Committees
Ensures our committee’s structure and composition supports our mission and strategic plans.
Executive Committee
Includes the President, Past President, and President-elect in order to make decisions and recommendations between meetings.
Program Committee
Responsible for improving the annual meeting experience by planning scientific sessions for the event.
Scientific Publications Committee
Oversees the activities of our scientific publications, including JNeurosci and eNeuro.
Request a Volunteer Service Letter
Need documentation of your services? We provide letters for committee members and volunteering in other capacities. Email governance@sfn.org for assistance.