SfN Presidents
SfN is grateful for the valuable leadership of numerous neuroscience professionals over the years. These innovators have been instrumental in SfN's growth and in advancing the field of neuroscience.

John Morrison

Marina Picciotto

Oswald Steward

Gina Turrigiano

Barry Everitt

Diane Lipscombe

Richard Huganir

Eric Nestler

Hollis Cline

Steven Hyman

Carol A. Mason

Larry W. Swanson

Moses Chao

Susan Amara

Mickey Goldberg

Tom Carew

Eve Marder

David C. Van Essen

Stephen F. Heinemann

Carol A. Barnes

Anne Young

Huda Akil

Fred H. Gage

Donald L. Price

Dennis W. Choi

Edward G. Jones

Lorne M. Mendell

Bruce S. McEwen

Pasko Rakic

Carla J. Shatz

Larry R. Squire

Ira B. Black

Joseph T. Coyle

Robert H. Wurtz

Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic

David H. Hubel

Albert J. Aguayo

Mortimer Mishkin

Bernice Grafstein

William D. Willis Jr.

Gerald D. Fischbach

Dominick P. Purpura

David H. Cohen

Eric R. Kandel

Solomon H. Snyder

Torsten N. Wiesel

W. Maxwell Cowan

Floyd E. Bloom

Robert W. Doty

Edward V. Evarts

Theodore H. Bullock

Walle J.H. Nauta

Neal E. Miller

Vernon Mountcastle

Edward R. Perl