Take Action
You can play a critical role in advancing funding for basic and biomedical research.
Take Action
Urge Congress to Protect Biomedical Research
Recent actions such as federal communication restrictions, funding freezes, and a new uncertain landscape for federal employees have left neuroscientists who receive funding through federal grants concerned about whether their important work will continue or be significantly hampered. Join fellow NeuroAdvocates in urging Congress to protect congressionally approved funding for biomedical research and the scientific workforce and ensure reliable funding continues uninterrupted.
Urge Congress to Support Funding for the BRAIN Initiative in FY 2025
Join fellow NeuroAdvocates in urging Congress to support increased and robust funding for the BRAIN Initiative in FY 2025. Advocates are asking Congress to provide at least $740 million in funding for the BRAIN Initiative in FY 2025, ensuring researchers can continue to make accelerated discoveries that will positively impact the lives of the millions of Americans suffering from neurological disorders and diseases.
Ask your Representative to Join the Congressional Neuroscience Caucus
The Congressional Neuroscience Caucus offers the opportunity to shed light on the importance of neuroscience research and its role in impacting human health.
Urge Congress to Support Neuroscience in FY 2025
Join fellow NeuroAdvocates in urging Congress to support neuroscience priorities and increase research funding for Fiscal Year 2025. Advocates are asking for increases for existing Institutes and Centers at NIH, the BRAIN Initiative, NSF, and the VA Medical and Prosthetic Research Program which would demonstrate the congressional commitment to scientific research and discovery.
Introduce Yourself to Your Congressperson
Connect with your elected officials as a constituent and resource for neuroscience and scientific research.
Find Your Legislator
Your voice is most impactful on your elected officials. Use the Find Your Legislator tool to find out who to reach out to.
Advocacy Best Practices
Consult our advocacy best practices for help connecting with your policymakers. Together, we can build congressional support for neuroscience priorities.
Advocacy Network
Join the Advocacy Network to take action. Your efforts help to advance the field.