May 2021
Tell Congress to Support Biomedical Research Efforts Impacted by COVID-19 and Urge Them to Support Neuroscience Priorities in FY 2022
Join your fellow NeuroAdvocates and tell Congress to support the Research Investment to Spark the Economy (RISE) Act, which authorizes nearly $25 billion for research impacted by COVID-19, including $10 billion for the National Institutes of Health and $3 billion for the National Science Foundation. Send your Representative and Senators a message via SfN’s Advocacy Action Center.
Possible Changes Proposed for NSF
The House and Senate have been discussing two bills, the Endless Frontier Act and the NSF for the Future Act, to expand the directorate of the NSF.
Research!America Asks You to Take Action
Sens. Bob Casey (D-PA) and Richard Burr (R-NC) are circulating a letter supporting strong funding for NIH in Fiscal Year 2022. Ask your Senators to sign on to this letter and support scientific research.
NCSES Released a Survey Shining a Light on Early Career Doctorates
The NSF established the Early Career Doctorates Survey (ECDS) to elucidate the path and demographics of early career doctorates. They released their findings, which can be found here.
Update on NIH Requirements for Human Fetal Tissue Research
RNIH has updated their policy to no longer require applicants for NIH grants to be reviewed by an Ethics Advisory Board when proposing the use of human fetal tissue. Please find more information here.
Update on the RISE Act
The House Science Committee sent a letter to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) asking for support of H.R. 869, the “Research Investment to Spark the Economy (RISE) Act.”
SfN Advocacy Resources
- Introduce yourself to the new Congress via the Advocacy Action Center.
- Watch the Neuroscientist's Guide to Advocacy series to understand the tools you need to help advance the field.
- Learn how to engage your members of Congress and persuasively advocate for science with SfN's Advocacy Best Practices.
- Get involved in global advocacy.
- Talk to the public about the importance of animal research.
- Reach out to for assistance in preparing for your next advocacy effort at home or on Capitol Hill.