Capital Hill Day FAQ
Q: What is a hill day?
A: Hill days, also called “fly-ins” and “lobby days” are events where organizations bring their members from across the country to Washington, D.C. to learn about relevant policy and meet with their members of Congress. Many hill days, including SfN’s, include a training session to prepare members for meetings.
Q: When is SfN’s Hill Day in 2022?
A: SfN’s next Hill Day will be held virtually from March 22 through March 24, 2022.
Q: How can I volunteer for Hill Day?
A: SfN is focusing on strategically critical congressional districts as a part of advancing SfN's message on the Hill. We will be reaching out directly to members in those districts to invite them to participate in Hill Day.
Q: How will I know where to go for my meetings?
A: You will be with a group of about four or five Hill Day participants, and each group will have an SfN group leader. Your group leader will lead participants to their meetings and keep you on schedule throughout the day. You will also be given a map of Capitol Hill and security staff in the House and Senate office buildings are always available to assist you.
Q: If I do not attend Hill Day in Washington, what can I do?
A: We are developing activities for members to participate in from home on Hill Day, including ways to contact your congressional representation (such as through an in-district meeting), engage on social media, and other similar efforts. If you would like to stay up to date as these activities develop, please email
Q: I have another question!
A: We’re happy to help! Please email us at