Terms for Exhibiting in the Graduate School Fair
Eligibility for ExhibitingThe purpose of the Graduate School Fair is to provide prospective students and graduate schools with an opportunity to meet face-to-face during the meeting. Exhibits must emphasize graduate programs and opportunities.
The character of the exhibition space and program are subject to approval by the Society. SfN reserves the right even after an application is received to refuse applications not meeting standards required or expected, as well as the right to curtail or to close exhibits or parts of exhibits that reflect unfavorably on the character of the meeting. This applies to displays, literature, advertising, novelties, souvenirs, conduct of persons, etc.
Exhibit Space Assignments
Applications for exhibit space are subject to approval by the Society for Neuroscience. Exhibit space is limited. Application and payment reserves an exhibiting program’s booth at the Graduate School Fair. All booth assignments will be made by SfN. The Society reserves the right to modify the floor plan and reassign exhibit space if a change in the original assignment is necessary.
Application and full payment must be received by August 31. See Terms of Payment for further instruction.
The application can be found on the graduate school fair website.