John Stamm

John Stamm, Professor Emeritus of the State University of New York at Stony Brook, died at his home in West Hartford, CT on August 22, 2013. He was 93.
John was internationally recognized for pioneering research in neuropsychology with a specialty in the functions of the frontal cortex. His early research in this area was conducted at the Institute of Living in Hartford, including collaborations and numerous publications with the pioneering neuroscientists Anthonie Van Harreveld, Roger Sperry and Karl Pribram. In 1962 he was appointed a Professor of Psychology at Queens College and the City University of New York, and subsequently at SUNY Stony Brook, where he served as Chairman of the Psychology Department between 1983 and 1985.
John was introduced to Quakerism while in college in the 1940's and during the rest of his life remained a dedicated and active member of the Quaker meetings and Quaker organizations in the communities where he lived. Living out his Quaker faith, he contributed to numerous activities and initiatives to promote world peace and social justice. John will be sorely missed by his many colleagues, friends and students who were fortunate indeed to have crossed his path.
To all who toiled in the third-floor labs of “SSA” during the ‘70s and ‘80s, cherish the memories; we lived in interesting times.
Original obituary posting submitted by Larry Edelstein.