Help Promote the SfN Webinar
Jul 10, 2013
Help SfN promote the upcoming webinar "From Congress to Your Lab: How Federal Funding Affects Your Science" taking place on July 30 at 2:00 p.m. EDT.
Please help spread the word about this webinar by sharing the registration link and flyer in your institution or chapter and with colleagues through email, Twitter, or Facebook using the sample text below. If you are a member of NeurOnLine, consider starting a discussion there.
SfN Webinar: From Congress to Your Lab: How Federal Funding Affects Your Science
Concerned about what lower paylines will mean for your research? Wondering how you will get funding for your science in these challenging economic times? On July 30 at 2:00 pm EDT, SfN is hosting a free webinar on how congressional action directly affects you and your science—and what you can do about it. Learn more and register at
Concerned about low grant paylines? Register for @SfNTweets #NeuroAdvocate webinar on 7/30 at 2:00p EDT
On July 30 at 2:00 pm EDT, SfN is hosting a free webinar on how congressional action directly affects you and your science—and what you can do about it. Learn more and register at