Why Did SfN Create an Open-Access Journal?
As scientific communication evolves, science-wide experimentation with novel publishing models is growing and new digital tools are emerging that speed communication and information processing. In thinking about where SfN is well-positioned to serve the field, the Society in fall 2012 began discussing the creation of a new online-only journal. Survey data from the field strongly validated that the neuroscience community would value SfN’s development of a high-quality, open-access journal dedicated to neuroscience, and the data endorsed the role that SfN could play as a noncommercial publisher and given its reputation for scientifically excellent papers selected by working scientists.
A Council-appointed working group, drawing on key SfN leaders with experience in publishing and finance, developed the first models, which were informed by Scientific Publications and Finance Committee feedback. Council approved creation of the new online journal, eNeuro, in fall 2013 and facilitated editor-in-chief selections in the winter. Christophe Bernard was named eNeuro’s first editor-in-chief in May 2014.
“The SfN Council is very excited to create a new publishing option for the rapidly expanding global neuroscience community,” SfN President Carol Mason said. “The field has expressed great enthusiasm for an open-access journal from SfN, recognizing the Society’s strong reputation for neuroscience publishing.”
In creating eNeuro, SfN is establishing the first high-quality, broad-based, peer-reviewed online journal focused solely on the field of neuroscience. It will complement SfN’s flagship publication, The Journal of Neuroscience, by providing an additional publishing venue for high-quality scientific submissions across the breadth of the field. In addition, the new online journal is expected to contribute to SfN’s long-term financial stability as revenue generated by eNeuro will allow SfN to invest in nonprofit programs around the world that enhance and serve the field of neuroscience.
eNeuro will begin accepting submissions this August.