SfN Journals Adopt CC-BY License
The Journal of Neuroscience and eNeuro have both implemented the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY) license, starting at the beginning of this year. The CC-BY license allows for the free, unrestricted reuse of material from the Society for Neuroscience’s journals for both commercial and noncommercial purposes, as long as attribution is provided.
Specifically, the entity reusing the material must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. The journals’ previous CC-BY-NC license did not allow free reuse of material for commercial purposes.
The license change benefits researchers by allowing them to reuse and adapt material from SfN’s journals for any purpose, not just nonprofit use. This will also help the larger field, as content from The Journal of Neuroscience and eNeuro can now be used in for-profit education materials, such as textbooks. In addition, many funders — including Wellcome Trust, Charity Open Access Fund, and Research Councils UK — require that authors who receive money from them publish their research with a CC-BY license.
For more information, contact jn@sfn.org or eNeuro@sfn.org.