SfN Calls for 10 Percent Increase in Funding for NIH, $7.7 Billion for NSF
SfN supports a budget of at least a 10 percent increase for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), standing with Research!America and recognizing the critical importance of federal funding for biomedical research and basic science. U.S. policymakers have the opportunity to send a strong message of support for the types of scientific discoveries that benefit people at home and around the world. Bipartisan support is needed to continue generating the types of scientific discoveries and medical breakthroughs that play an essential role in our nation’s health and economic vitality.
SfN applauds Research!America’s leadership in advocating investments in basic research that will allow researchers to take advantage of the scientific opportunities before us. In addition to a robust increase for NIH, SfN supports a budget of $7.7 billion for the National Science Foundation (NSF). These funding levels will help ensure the medical progress needed to combat the neurological diseases and disorders that affect over 100 million Americans each year.