SfN Debuts Digital Neuroscience Quarterly
Check out the new digital Neuroscience Quarterly to learn the news you need about SfN programs and the field and to hear from neuroscience leaders about emerging topics and critical issues.
The Society for Neuroscience’s member newsletter — published in the winter, spring, summer, and fall — dates back to the birth of the organization itself, with the first issue published in April of 1970. This year, NQ has reached a new milestone, transitioning to an online format that offers exciting new opportunities for enhanced content.
In the each issue of NQ, you’ll find an array of engaging feature articles, videos, and slideshows that you can now easily share with your colleagues, peers, and students.
The Spring issue includes:
- A package of articles on scientific rigor
- A video about SfN’s Capitol Hill Day
- A photo slideshow of Brain Awareness Week chapter activities
- A video interview with the new editor-in-chief The Journal of Neuroscience
- An article highlighting Neuronline career resources
- A preview of Neuroscience 2015
- And more!
The digital NQ, while bringing SfN members new and expanded content, will remain true to the history and tradition that defined the Society’s first member-focused publication. NQ will continue to focus on issues of importance to the Society and the field. We encourage you to explore its contents and contact us if you have thoughts and suggestions for upcoming editions.