SfN Supports Free Exchange of Ideas, Diversity, and Global Collaboration
The Society for Neuroscience affirms its dedication to advance science by supporting and welcoming free exchange of ideas, diversity, and global collaboration
Holly Cline, president of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), shared the following statement at the 2016 SfN members' business meeting, held at SfN’s 46th annual meeting.
"The Society for Neuroscience is dedicated to advancing understanding of the brain and nervous system. In doing so, we will continue to advocate for sustained, robust funding for neuroscience, the free exchange of scientific ideas, and global scientific collaboration," she said "In all our efforts, SfN remains deeply committed to its core value of supporting, engaging, and welcoming diverse voices and scientific exchange between scientists of all nationalities. That core value is not going to change, and SfN's leadership wants all of our members and all neuroscientists around the world to know that."
Cline continued to say, "It is essential that we make real progress on the issues that brought us to San Diego this week – brain research is on the cusp of revolutionary discovery and is widely recognized as a highest priority by nations around the globe to help the nearly 1 billion people worldwide living with a neurological or psychiatric disorder. Following the U.S. election and as the new Congress and administration assemble, we will seek to work with a large and bipartisan group of partners in the U.S. and around the globe to advance these goals and affirm these values. We look forward to supporting our diverse, international membership to advance neuroscience."