As COVID-19 upends our way of life, we must continue to find ways to support our colleagues, students, and communities.
Jaime L. Diaz-Granados, the International Brain Bee’s new board chair, discusses the organization's priorities and structure as a non-profit.
Dive into the brain networks that determine if a message is persuasive — or not.
The gut microbiome may be key to new treatments for a range of neurological diseases, according to research presented at Neuroscience 2019.
As these NeuroAdvocates demonstrate, effective advocacy can take place year round and at any career stage.
Learn how SfN members have adapted their outreach activities and celebrated Brain Awareness Week in a time of social distancing.
JNeurosci and eNeuro meet your open-access publishing needs while maintaining rigorous scientific standards.
Four female scientists share their career paths and scientific accomplishments in male-dominated fields.