SfN Statement on Neuroscience 2021 Planning

As planning progresses for Neuroscience 2021, the Society for Neuroscience’s 50th annual meeting celebration (November 13–17, 2021 in Chicago, Illinois), SfN is working towards the best ways to safely convene the scientific community to make the Society’s 50th annual meeting happen and to facilitate the effective and valuable scientific exchange that makes SfN’s annual meeting the premier venue for neuroscience.
“… the Society is evaluating how it might conceivably restructure Neuroscience 2021 so that it could transition from an all in-person meeting to a meeting that is either fully or partially virtual.”In light of the February decision by SfN’s Council to proceed with this year’s meeting, SfN continues to evaluate various factors, including the status of closures and possible openings under state and local guidelines and the feasibility and practicality of safely holding an in-person meeting, all in accordance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and public health authorities in Chicago where the meeting is scheduled to take place. While the SfN Council and staff are continuing to plan for an in-person meeting in Chicago, we also are evaluating the probability that we may need to consider using a hybrid format, with both in-person and virtual components and a mix of attendee and presentation formats to accommodate as many individual circumstances, preferences, and situations as possible for our attendees and members from across the world. Knowing that there are many uncertainties this year, and that a possibility remains that circumstances could again make it legally and practically impossible for SfN to hold its annual meeting in person, the Society is evaluating how it might conceivably restructure Neuroscience 2021 so that it could transition from an all in-person meeting to a meeting that is either fully or partially virtual.
With the certainty that Neuroscience 2021 will be taking place in November, we expect abstract submission to take place as scheduled in July, and registration to open in August, so our participants can begin to plan for the meeting accordingly. SfN will continue to send out information and guidance, as the situation evolves and more information becomes available. We will provide updates to members, volunteer leaders, exhibitors, and the field when they are available.
Please stay up-to-date by following any related announcements and updates to deadlines.