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Contractual Considerations Violations As a condition for exhibiting, each exhibitor will agree to observe all Society policies. Violations will incur a reduction in points for each regulation violated. First regulation violated will result in the company not accruing priority points for the year. Second regulation violated will result in the company losing one-half of its accrued priority points. Third regulation violated will result in the company losing all of its accrued priority points. Fourth regulation violated will result in the company not being eligible to exhibit at future Society meetings. Below is a list of common violations that cause exhibitors to lose points if a violation occurs and is not corrected. Tearing down prior to Wednesday, November 16 at 5:00 p.m. PST (closing of Neuroscience 2022) Exceeding the height limit (see Booth Information section) Entering a competitor's booth space Obstructing the view of a neighbor's booth Distributing/posting advertising or literature outside the exhib...