Figure 1. Leeches that recover crawling behavior have established regrowth of afferent input to the lead ganglion. (A) In leeches that recover crawling behavior after injury, Neurobiotin labels fibers in the M3 nerve, which project into the M3 ganglion. (B) In leeches that do not recover crawling behavior after injury, Neurobiotin-labeled fibers are not observed in the M3 ganglion. (Figure 8 in Puhl et al. 2018.)
By Rosalind S.E. Carney, DPhil
December 13, 2018

Authors demonstrate that in the absence of descending cephalic input, locomotor recovery in the leech is achieved by a switch to dependence on afferent information from peripheral nerves in the body wall.

Authors addressed the question 'what, if anything, is rodent prefrontal cortex?' by carrying out a survey of prefrontal cortex researchers and uncovered points of agreement as well as differences in regard to what brain areas constitute "prefrontal cortex" in rodents."
By Mark G. Baxter
December 5, 2018

Authors addressed the question 'what, if anything, is rodent prefrontal cortex?' by carrying out a survey of prefrontal cortex researchers and uncovered points of agreement as well as differences in regard to what brain areas constitute "prefrontal cortex" in rodents."

Authors show that axons of inhibitory neurons have distinctive structural and molecular features that contrast with those of the majority of myelinated excitatory axons in human neocortex.
By Rosalind S.E. Carney, DPhil
November 29, 2018

Authors show that axons of inhibitory neurons have distinctive structural and molecular features that contrast with those of the majority of myelinated excitatory axons in human neocortex.

By Rosalind S.E. Carney, DPhil
October 31, 2018

Authors demonstrate that capsaicin, a TRPV1 agonist, activates a pro-axon growth program, suggesting an approach for enhancing axon regeneration in selective populations of neurons.

Authors functionally defined immediate-early astrocytes (ieAstrocytes) as an in vivo astrocyte population, modulated by S1P signaling, in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis.
By Rosalind S.E. Carney, DPhil
October 15, 2018

Authors functionally defined immediate-early astrocytes (ieAstrocytes) as an in vivo astrocyte population, modulated by S1P signaling, in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis.

cartoon of three people sharing a word bubble
By Christophe Bernard, EiC
September 28, 2018

Join the discussion with the Editor-in-Chief

Mitochondrial Ultrastructure is Optimized for Synaptic Performance (Adapted from Figure 3 in Cserép et al., 2018)
By Rosalind S.E. Carney, DPhil
September 21, 2018

Authors find an evolutionarily conserved, cell-type independent coupling of mitochondrial ultrastructure to synaptic performance.

A new study shows that advillin expression is NOT limited to sensory neurons in postnatal and adult mouse
By Mike Fainzilber
September 13, 2018

A new study shows that advillin expression is NOT limited to sensory neurons in postnatal and adult mouse

line drawing of brain inside side view of head with red background
By Rosalind S.E. Carney, DPhil
September 11, 2018

Authors established a novel, automated live-cell imaging method to identify morphological changes in individual, dying human motor neurons.

A welcoming message for our readers
By eNeuro Editors
September 10, 2018

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our new eNeuro Blog site.